Why Have a Roof Inspection

Have you noticed your utility bills getting more expensive? This could be due to several issues that are going on with your roof. Having our experts inspect your roof will allow us to weed out the issues and get your utility bills back under control. If your building is in Hartford, SD, then you are in luck. We at Hoppe Roofing are available to handle your roof inspection and any other issue that we find. Call us today at (855) 472-4932, and you will get a free roof inspection.


Roof inspections are preventative measures for your roof. An inspection will tell you what is going on with your roof. It will give us insight into what your roof needs to continue doing its job. It can also show us what other preventive measures we can take to ensure it has a long life. To comply with regulations that were set forth by OSHA, your roof should be inspected no less than twice a year. That is to catch any issues before they get to the point that they cannot be corrected through repairs or restoration processes. These are also considered preventative measures to ensure your roof is in good condition yearly.

Maintenance Requirement


In any roof maintenance program, you will have inspections built in. Your insurance company also requires regular maintenance as without a proof of regular maintenance your claim might get rejected. Regular roof maintenance tells an insurance provider that you were not negligent on your part and any damage suffered by roof is not due to a lack of maintenance. This is one of those cover-your-butt types of things. Regular maintenance of your roof also helps you stay insured and is also necessary for compliance with the local rules and regulations. Allow us to keep you compliant and keep your costs down with our free roof inspection.

Contact Us

With one of our roof inspections, you can be sure your roof will get the work it needs to be done. A roof inspection does not take significant time to conduct, nor will it interrupt your business. Here at Hoppe Roofing, we have all the services your commercial or industrial roof needs. We handle everything from roof inspections to replacement and everything in between. If your building is in or around the Hartford, SD area, then we can assess your building for you. Call our office at (855) 472-4932 to request a free quote today!